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Full Moon in Libra

Writer's picture: Tanya WasylewskiTanya Wasylewski

16/17 April 2022

Full Moons shine a light on your relationship to something or someone. With the Sun and the Moon in opposite signs, we get a sense of perspective, of what we must do to create more balance. This is especially heightened with the Libra-Aries axis.

Libra loves balance and harmony and is the sign associated with 1:1 partnership. As an air sign, it is aligned with communication and ideas. On the flip side, Aries is about self and personal identity. It is a fire sign, focused on action.

I always see Libra and Aries as the dance between the we and the me. There must be an element of maintaining your personal identity but also relating to others, compromise, shared goals and commitments.

Aries is ruled by Mars, the masculine, and Libra by Venus, the feminine. They teach us to take action, then lean back to receive. They teach us about balance and attraction.

I am writing this early in the morning. It is cloudy and dull, so overcast that the sun hasn’t been able to peek through yet. I just glanced up and saw a hot air balloon against the grey sky, the flame lighting it up and taking it higher. Hot air balloons rely on air and fire to move. It feels an apt metaphor for life, that even when things are cloudy and dull, we can still light a flame to take us higher. We can still take action on our ideas. Dropping weight from the balloon can help to lift it up even more—then you dance with the breeze, seeing where it takes you. You can’t control the direction of a hot air balloon the way you can a plane or helicopter. It is more fluid than that, going where it needs to go.

What belief do you need to let go of to take yourself higher? What action must you do to take yourself higher? How can you let go of the outcome, of controlling every step, and allow yourself to go where you need to go?

With Venus herself currently transiting through Pisces there is an extra flow state to her right now. She is like a mermaid, bringing magick to this Full Moon. Mars has also just followed her into Pisces, bringing his merman energy.

A few days ago, Jupiter and Neptune had their conjunction in Pisces. These two planets only meet up every 12–13 years, and the last time they were in Pisces was in 1856 (they won’t meet up in this sign again until 2188). It’s a strong place for them to meet, with both having rulership of the sign. Astrologers have been very excited about this conjunction. In a very Jupitarian way, it promises big things. Neptune’s dreams, creativity, inspiration and spirituality and ideals are enhanced by Jupiter’s optimism, growth-mindset and opportunism. It is a powerful time for seeding dreams to watch unfold over this cycle.

Are you nurturing your dreams? Or have you stuffed them away into a place inside of you while you do what you ‘think’ you should do?

The New Moon in Aries was conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer. Over the past couple of weeks you may have felt old situations come up to the surface, ones which you thought you had moved on from. If you have taken the time to delve under the surface as to why this is, this Full Moon will allow you to shake off the feelings and release another layer.

What relationships allow you to be yourself? Which ones light up you up and bring pleasure and joy to your life? Which ones feel like struggle? Are there ways in which you can this, or is it time to let them go?

This Full Moon we dance with the cosmos. We allow ourselves to flow, while remembering our commitments and destination. We respect our individuality and the power of our relationships. We take action toward our dreams, then rest. We bring balance, allowing ourselves to see other people’s perspectives and weigh up if it fits with our values. And we allow ourselves pleasure and rest and play knowing that this will only enhance the moments when we work and do.

The exact time of the Full Moon is:

AEST: Sunday 17 April @ 4.55am

United Kingdom: Saturday 16 April @ 7.55pm

US Eastern: Saturday 16 April @ 2.55pm

US Pacific: Saturday 16 April @ 11.55am

Find your timezone here

Do you want to explore your own feminine energy and are interested in learning more about your personal astrology?
Then join us for Venus Circle, starting 22 April 2022.




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