Work with me 1:1
I see you.
You are tired of playing small, tired of trying to fit in and tired of feeling like there must be more to life.
You want to be recognised for who you are. You want to unravel years of people-pleasing and have the confidence to live life in a way that feels good for you.
I've got you.
There are several ways we can work together. Choose what you want right at this moment.

I want to connect with my true self and embrace all the different parts of me, so I can live freely and authentically.

I want to make the most of the year ahead, by understanding where the energy will be most active for me so I can create aligned goals.

I want to work through an issue or challenge which I am currently experiencing, or has been holding me back in my life.

I want a combination of all of these things!

It all starts with You.
Too many people live their lives trying to be like others, or do the things they think they should do rather than what (deep down) they want to.
And this doesn't work for them, leading to all sorts of problems but essentially resulting in feeling lost, bored, frustrated and lonely.
When you are connected with who you are and want you want, life feels aligned, easy, joyful.
This is where I come in, to introduce you to your birth chart.
A birth chart is a map of where all the planets and other celestial bodies were in the sky at the moment you were born. It tells a story about who you are, your unique gifts, talents and interests. It reveals future potential and opportunities, challenges and moments of growth.
Through understanding your birth chart you can fully embrace all the qualities that make you who you are and give yourself permission to do life your way.
What to expect from the You session.
In this 60min session you will make friends with the planets in your birth chart, based on the qualities from the sign and house they are in. We will talk about how they come together to make you You, the ways in which you can use the positive qualities to their advantage and how to be aware when you slip into the negative expressions.
If this is your first foray into astrology we will start with your Sun, Moon, Rising (+ chart ruler). In subsequent sessions we can explore other planets, depending on what your focus is: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Chiron, North and South Nodes, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
Depending on what comes up, guided meditations, embodiment exercises and EFT may also be part of this session.
Investment: $188 AUD

Your Present
What's happening for you now?​
Astrology is a great tool to use to know what might be coming up for you. However, you still need to live through it all and sometimes life has its challenges.
When times are tough it is good to have support to help you through.
This is where I come in, armed with my astrology, EFT and holistic counselling tools.
We will look at the transits to your birth chart to provide insight into what is going on, do EFT/tapping to reduce the stress and emotional impact around the situation and use holistic counselling tools such as talk therapy, meditation, tarot, dream interpretation et.al. to help you process it all.
What to expect from the Your Present session.
You start by filling out a pre-session questionnaire which helps me understand your present experience, what you would most like to focus on and your desired intention/outcome.
We will look at the area of your birth chart that relates to what you would like to focus on (e.g. career). I will explain the story that is going on, as I see it in your birth chart, and we discuss your past and present experience and the future outcome you would like.
Depending on what is needed the session will include some of the following:
EFT to release out-of-date negative thoughts and emotion related to this or past events
Talk therapy to connect the dots between your experiences
Intuitive development exercises so you can learn to trust your inner voice
Guided meditation/dialogue with the planets so you can tune into their energy
We may also pull in tarot, oracle cards or numerology or discuss chakras, colour therapy and crystals to support you.
Investment: $188 AUD

Your Future
Co-create your future with the universe.
Have you ever had one of those years where nothing went to plan? Life got in the way and it felt tough to get things moving, right?
What if I told you that you could have a heads-up of the themes ahead so you can set aligned goals and work with the energy as you take action toward them?
This is where I come in, armed with my astrology knowledge and life coaching skills.
We will look at a few different astrology charts (transits, solar return and progressed) to provide insight into which areas of your life will be the focus for you for the next 12 months. Then, we will create a plan so you can make the most of this energy.
What to expect from the Your Future session.
In this 90min session we'll chat about what you want to achieve, and look at your personal astrology to see how it fits together. Questions we'll cover include: How do you feel about these areas? Where are you at with them now? What do you need to clear before you can accept the ‘gifts’ of this transit?
We'll set 2–3 key goals and initial action steps for you to take. If needed we will do some visualisation or EFT to really anchor yourself into your goals and the year ahead.
Investment: $222 AUD

The Complete Package
Sometimes you just need all of it.
The Complete Package combines You, Your Present and Your Future into 5 x 60min sessions over four months. It is designed to really get you aligned, clear and focused.
What to expect from The Complete Package.
Month 1
Session 1: You
We begin the series by tapping into your chart and your strengths and really connecting into who you are.
Session 2: Your Future
We look at the transits and areas of your chart where the energy is most supportive, and also the things you want to create for yourself. We set 2–3 key goals that you want to focus on and the initial action steps for you to take.
Sessions 3–5 (1 per month)
Session 3: Your Present
We look at how you are feeling, give an update on the astrology of the moment, clear any blocks with EFT and set your next action steps.
Session 4: Your Present
We look at how you are feeling, give an update on the astrology of the moment, clear any blocks with EFT and set your next action steps.
Session 5: Your Present
In the final session in the series we will check in with where you are at and set your next round of goals and action steps. It’s up to you if you wish to continue working on your goals independently or sign-up for more sessions.
Includes fortnightly email check-ins and voice memo support via Telegram.
Investment: $888 AUD