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Writer's pictureTanya Wasylewski

Your Guide to Mercury Retrograde in Gemini and Taurus

10 May–3 June 2022

May is a tricky time this year. Normally during Taurus season we normally get to slow down, be present, enjoy the finer things in life. But this year we have eclipse season and a Mercury Retrograde. Both events can cause introspection and change. We will be questioning why we are doing things a certain way. And perhaps it is time for us to really do things differently in the areas of our charts that the eclipses and retrograde are happening—after all, Taurus is a sign that is known for being slow to change so there may be outdated things that we are still holding onto. It’s time to create new habits.

Mercury retrogrades through the same set of signs for about 18 months, giving us a chance to really focus on that part of our lives/chart/being. This year we are in the process of changing over from retrogrades in air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) to the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), so we get a little bit of both elements. It’s about how we are moving our ideas into our reality; our mental wealth vs our material wealth.

Dates for Mercury Retrograde in Gemini and Taurus, 2022

Pre-retrograde shadow starts: 27 April

Mercury Station Retrograde: 10 May @ 4° Gemini

Mercury moves into Taurus: 23 May

Mercury Station Direct: 3 June @ 26° Taurus

Post-retrograde shadow ends: 19 June

This retrograde begins in Gemini, the last time Mercury will retrograde through its home sign until 2027. It’s the last round of tidying-up that we are doing here. If you have worked through your Gemini themes, this part of the process should be quite easy—a simple dusting. But if you have some unfinished business then you may find the intensity is heightened—like someone tracking muddy footprints across the clean floor right before visitors arrive.

With Gemini we are working with our communication style, teaching and learning, short-distance travel and our immediate neighbourhood and environment. It is about finding our voice and expression.

As the world opens up, in what ways can you have that in-person connection with others? While I am loving being able to see people in real life, I find I can’t do it at the same level that I could pre-pandemic. After 262 cumulative lockdown days over two years, my system still feels sensitive. My body needs rest. I notice the ‘energy vampires’ more. I am more discerning about how often I see people. If you have been doing more than what your body can handle you might find that this retrograde will have you reassess your activities, and at least slow you down for a few weeks.

The other side is that we may find that the frequent check-ins and contact that we may have had with people through lockdown are diminished, due to normal life coming back. Our energy is more scattered. Again, use this time to reflect and reconnect with who and what is important to you.

When Mercury moves back into Taurus on 23 May the focus shifts slightly. Here we are reflecting on our resources and values. We are grounding into our ideas, working out how we can make them reality based on what is available to us. Do we have enough money? Are we rushing through life or can we slow down a bit? Are we too slow and do we need to speed up? Remember that time is a resource and perhaps you want to spend it differently.

Taurus also relates to our sense of self-worth, so reflections on how worthy and deserving we feel we are can also come up at this time. It also teaches us of the healing power of nature, so getting outside to a park, beach or garden can help you ground during this time (and at any time).

As always, the general Mercury retrograde themes also apply:

  • Because Mercury rules communication, you can find that you experience misunderstandings and miscommunications. Check plans with people ahead of time and don't make assumptions (as the saying goes, 'when you assume you make an ass out of u and me').

  • Technology might go on the fritz (I have often had computer or phone issues coincide with a Mercury Retrograde, so make sure everything is backed up just in case) and if you have travel plans be aware that there may be delays—give yourself plenty of time to get to where you need to be, have duplicates of your travel documents handy, etc.

  • Patterns in your life can spring up again, giving you a chance to act differently or make a different choice.

  • It is often advised not to sign contracts during a Mercury Retrograde, but the other party might not accept 'I cannot sign this until Mercury is direct' as a reason to delay things. If you must sign something, just make sure you triple-check everything so there are no surprises later. Also be aware that the agreement can change later on, which isn't necessarily a bad thing and can work out in your favour—Yoko Ono famously only signed contracts during Mercury Retrogrades so she could more easily renegotiate the terms at a later date.

Really, your experience of Mercury retrograde depends on your own attitude. If you allow yourself some breathing space and compassion and are accepting that things can go a little awry you will have a much easier time than if you get super stressed out about every detail not going to plan. It's a lesson in surrendering and going with the flow, especially this time around with the added bonus of eclipse season (when energy is already a little nebulous).

You may not have all the answers just yet, and that is okay. In fact, a retrograde is about going through your possibilities and tying up loose ends, getting us ready to move forward with renewed conviction and commitment.

Your personal experience of this Mercury retrograde will depend on where Gemini and Taurus are in your birth chart. The following is a general guide of the areas of your life (based on whole signs) where you will be doing some extra reflecting, but if you know your chart that’s even better! Book in for a personal chart reading to learn more.

Aries and Aries rising

The retrograde will begin in your 3rd house of communication, siblings and neighbourhood, then enter your 2nd house of money, personal resources and values.

Taurus and Taurus rising

The retrograde will begin in your 2nd house of money, personal resources and values then enter your 1st house of self, identity and how you meet the world.

Gemini and Gemini rising

The retrograde will begin in your 1st house of self, identity and how you meet the world then enter your 12th house of subconscious and spirituality.

Cancer and Cancer rising

The retrograde will begin in your 12th house of subconscious and spirituality then enter your 11th house of community, organisations, groups and personal hopes and dreams.

Leo and Leo rising

The retrograde will begin in your 11th house of community, organisations, groups and personal hopes and dreams then enter your 10th house of career and social standing.

Virgo and Virgo rising

The retrograde will begin in your 10th house of career and social standing then enter your 9th house of adventure, travel, education and belief systems.

Libra and Libra rising

The retrograde will begin in your 9th house of adventure, travel, education and belief systems then enter your 8th house of shared resources, sex, intimacy and psychology.

Scorpio and Scorpio rising

The retrograde will begin in your 8th house of shared resources, sex, intimacy and psychology then enter your 7th house of relationships.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising

The retrograde will begin in your 7th house of relationships then enter your 6th house of health, habits and daily work.

Capricorn and Capricorn rising

The retrograde will begin in your 6th house of health, habits and daily work then enter your 5th house of pleasure, creativity and children.

Aquarius and Aquarius rising

The retrograde will begin in your 5th house of pleasure, creativity and children then enter your 4th house of home, family and foundations.

Pisces and Pisces rising

The retrograde will begin in your 4th house of home, family and foundations then enter your 3rd house of communication, siblings and neighbourhood.

Some things to ponder:

Revisit the general themes of this Mercury Retrograde and journal about what this means for you. Are there any things that stand out to you that you need to focus on or complete?

Take a look at the house/area of life that Gemini and Taurus rule in your birth chart (check out the list above). What area of your life will this retrograde affect and what does this mean for you? How do you feel about this part of my life or my situation right now?

Bonus: If you know a bit about your birth chart and have planets in Gemini or Taurus, which ones are they and how will this add an extra dimension to your retrograde experience? (For example, if the retrograde is aspecting your Sun you may be thinking more about your personal identity, if it is aspecting Mars the way you take action might be up for reflection.) I can totally help you with this if you want to book in for a birth chart reading.

Using all of the above information reflect on what is your intention for this retrograde (reconciling a relationship, recreating balance in your health and habits, revising your finances).

Post-retrograde reflection:

Once Mercury has gone full steam ahead, look back on the previous weeks.

What happened? What did you learn? How do you feel about this part of your life or situation now?



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