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Writer's pictureTanya Wasylewski

Leo just wants to have fun

Updated: Jan 29, 2021

Full Moon in Leo, January 2021

I’ve been looking forward to this Full Moon. After the serious Capricorn New Moon a couple of weeks ago, this feels like the party you have to celebrate finishing your exams. In short: Capricorn = work, Leo = play.

Leo brings a warm, generous energy to proceedings. It’s a sign that likes to take it easy and approaches the world with a childlike wonder. It’s a sign that acts with courage, confidence and creativity. Grand romantic gestures are Leo’s domain as is the flirtatious side of life.

Leo just wants to have fun, and with the world the way it is at the moment we need this reminder that it’s okay to laugh and play and step away from the seriousness of life every once in awhile.

The energy of Aquarius is huge this year, with Saturn and Jupiter travelling through the sign this year. Aquarius is concerned with the greater good and what’s best for the group. Leo reminds us that we are individuals and all have our special purpose and way we shine in life. It’s heart energy.

This Full Moon let go of what is stopping you from shining bright, from bringing your own gifts and talents to the world. It’s about expressing yourself, harnessing your creative inspiration, doing the things that light you up and sharing the love.

Barack Obama has his Sun and Mercury in Leo, lending him a strong charismatic leader vibe, but as his ascendent is in Aquarius he approaches the world thinking of others first and the way he can use his position to do what’s best for them.

Jupiter conjunct the Sun this Full Moon will make sure we get the message. Jupiter expands whatever it comes across, so while this is perfect to bring some much-needed fun and play to proceedings, perhaps for some people we’ll see the shadow side of Leo coming out—the overdramatic, egotistical prima donna who overspends.

Hopefully Saturn hanging out nearby will help rein in some of the extravagant behaviours, but just to be safe, hold off on splashing out on that big ticket item for a few days.

Donald Trump, with his Mars on this ascendent in Leo is a perfect example of the shadow side of Leo, right down to the childish tantrums. He approaches the world thinking about himself and takes action based on what he wants rather than what’s best for the collective.

Depending on where you are in the world, it may be difficult to go out and do the things that normally bring you joy, so harness the creative side of Leo! You don’t have to paint or sing or do anything arty, you can cook a feast fit for a king, dress up in your best clothes or fancy dress outfit, redecorate your living space or get friends together for a dance party on zoom. Or do all the things! And if you have kids in your life, spend some time playing with them to get into the childlike wonder zone.

Mercury in Aquarius will help you think outside the box a bit. The messenger planet is due to start its first retrograde of the year on January 30. During the past few years Mercury has been retrograding in water signs, now it’s going to do the rounds of the air signs for a little bit. This will bring a different vibe to the retrogrades. In the water signs it was very much about our emotions; the air signs are concerned with our thoughts. Expect a lot of reflection and analysing, especially in the part of your chart that this retrograde is happening in.

Venus and Pluto are conjunct in Capricorn. There’s an intensity to what it is we value, and to our relationships in general. Who do we want to be with? What do we want to have and create? What are we working towards?

Uranus and Mars are in a tense angle to the Sun and Moon. Mars in Taurus takes action in a slow and steady way which doesn’t sit well with the impulsive fire of Leo and the quick air of Aquarius. It’s like we want to do the things but need to accept that it will take time. A way to diffuse this is to harness the energy of Scorpio with its depth—use this time to focus on what we want and do it thoroughly and properly. It’s about playing the long game and doing it right.

But back to the fun. Enjoy yourself! I can’t stress this enough. Laugh, flirt, play pretend for a day, dress up, make love. Express who you are with love and courage.

The exact time of the Full Moon is:

AEDT: Friday 29 January @ 5.46am

United Kingdom: Thursday 28 January @ 7.16pm

US Eastern: Thursday 28 January @ 2.16pm

US Pacific: Thursday 28 January @ 11.16am

Find your timezone here.




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