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Writer's pictureTanya Wasylewski

New Moon in Cancer

17 July 2023

A women surrounded by flowers

Where is your heart, right now, in this moment?

Do you feel nourished? Soothed? Safe? Do you feel at home with where you are and what you are doing? Do you fiercely protect what is important to you?

Or are you too comfortable? Following the thing because it’s what you’ve always done and what you think you have to do? Feeling depleted because you are too busy being pulled every which way by others? Feeling insecure from external forces that you feel you have no control over?

At this New Moon we are adjusting to a few planetary shifts.

Dot your i’s and cross your t’s as Mars is now in Virgo, encouraging us to improve our daily habits, our health, our systems.

Mercury is happily halfway through Leo expanding our sense of play and making sure our unique voice is heard.

The nodes have shifted into Aries (North Node) and Libra (South Node), opening up a dance between who we are in partnership and who we are as individuals; finding the balance.

And Venus is slowing down getting ready for her retrograde period which will invite us to go inward and reflect on our values, relationships and resources.


I help bring awareness to your personal energy shifts with a detailed chart reading, process and accept your experience with Holistic Counselling and release with EFT.


With a yod (Finger of God) between Neptune, Pluto and Venus it suggests that this retrograde period will be quite significant. Neptune is our higher conscious, universal love and our imagination. Pluto eliminates the bullshit to bring powerful shifts. Venus is a sense of self, how we relate to others, what we value, what we desire. It’s a time to take a step backward and reassess where you are and where you want to go. Learn how you can do this in a guided and supported way here.

But back to the New Moon in Cancer.

Cancer is ruled by the crab who carries its home on its back. It is sensitive and retreats into its shell when it senses danger. But it also outgrows its shell and needs to move onto a bigger one.

Think about what you have outgrown and what you want to grow into. Don’t let fear see you retreat as eventually that will feel uncomfortable and you’ll be … well … crabby. Allow yourself to grow in a way that feels good.

Cancer rules the stomach so we can often reach for comfort food during a transit. Check in with your emotions to avoid self-soothing with food and stay mindful and relaxed while you eat things that nourish you.

Finally, Cancer is an intuitive sign. It connects us to our ancestors and the wisdom they have passed onto us. This really is a time for getting quiet and still. Do some journaling and see what comes out on the page.

This will be what nourishes you the most.

The exact time of the New Moon in Cancer is:

AEST: Tuesday 18 July @ 4.31am

United Kingdom: Monday 17 July @ 7.31pm

US Eastern: Monday 17 July @ 1.31pm

US Pacific: Monday 17 July @ 11.31am

Find your timezone here


Work with me

Book a Birth Chart reading to discover how the upcoming transits will play out for you personally.

The Complete Package uses a variety of tools including astrology, holistic counselling and EFT. Explore personal issues and concerns in a way that honours your unique way of thinking and being.



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